Etc,  Living a Jewish Life Class

Journal Entries, Spring 2021

Torah and Beyond

Which Jewish texts interest you the most? How have different texts shaped the way you think about Judaism?

The Talmud definitely holds the most interest for me. I want the verses and the commentaries. I want to see the layers and the arguments. I want to see the history of self-examination play out all the way down the line.

Do you see Judaism as a system of laws? As an ideology? As a process of interpreting texts? Of moral guidelines?

I see Judaism as a perspective, I think. A set of texts with explanations about people and history and the world, and then a cultural perspective through which to observe those texts. The perspective is built of everything and contains everything. The perspective says “read the words and think about them. Read what other people think about those words and think about that too.”

I think Judasim does offer a set of moral guidelines (a lot boiling down to “don’t be an asshole and also don’t ruin the environment), but one of those guidelines is “question everything.” I think Judaism positions earnest questioning as a moral imperative.

I also see Judaism as a series of rituals designed to connect people with all the parts that are harder to see and touch. Prayer that connects to covenant. Covenant that reminds you of morals. Dietary laws that connect your to ethics about your food and where it comes from. Holidays that connect you to history, all the things your people have been through, whether for their devotion to God or senseless violence. It connects to triumph, to loss, to adversity, to blessings.

I think individual pieces are important for how they connect to the center that is “Do good. Fight for justice. Honor God. Honor yourself. I don’t know, maybe it’s just late and I’m tired.

What next steps would you like to take in your Jewish education?

I would like to learn more about daily prayer and maybe start to incorporate it. I would like to read more about Jewish ethics. I’d like to read more about different perspectives on the existence of God. I want to get into more in depth topics and theory and also take baby steps into practical application. I want community. I want people to talk to about my ideas and plans. 

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